quinta-feira, 9 de outubro de 2014

Leonard Cohen – Filhos da Neve

Agora que Leonard Cohen edita, aos 80 anos, o 13º álbum de originais: “Popular Problems”, altura de recuperar a sua poesia mais antiga.

“Os poemas cujas versões são aqui apresentadas, foram extraídas dos seguintes livros: Let us compare mythologies, The spice-box of earth, Flowers for Hitler, Parasites of Heaven, New Poems, The energy of slaves. A selecção obedeceu apenas a um único – e sagrado – critério: o do prazer.
Tentamos na medida do possível preservar a melodia intrínseca de cada poema, a temperatura ora de chumbo derretido ora de neve. Só nos resta esperar que apesar da mudança de leito – e de águas – este rio que é a poesia de Leonard Cohen, consiga apanhar o leitor desprevenido – como apanhou os tradutores – num dos deus inúmeros redemoinhos.” na Nota Marginal de Jorge de Sousa Braga e Carlos Tê ao livro “Leonard Cohen – Filhos da Neve” edição bilingue da Assírio e Alvim de 1985.


Suzanne takes you down
to her place near the river,
you can hear the boats go by
you can stay the night beside her.
And you know that she’s half crazy
but that’s why you want to be there
and she feeds you tea and oranges
that come all the way from China.
Just when you mean to tell her
that you have no gifts to give her,
she gets you on her ware-length
and she lets the river answer
that you’ve always been her lover.
And you want to travel with her,
you want to travel blind
and you know that she can trust you
because you’ve touched her perfect body
with your mind.

Jesus was a sailor
when he walked upon the water
and he spent a long time watching
from a lonely wooden tower
and when he knew for certain
only drowning men could see him
he said All men will be sailors then
until the sea shall free them,
but he himself was broken
long before the sky would open,
forsaken, almost human,
he sank beneath your wisdom like a stone.
And you want to travel with him,
you want to travel blind
and you think maybe you’11 trust him
because he touched your perfect body
with his mind.

Suzanne takes your hand
and she leads you to the river,
she is wearing rags and feathers
from Salvation Army counters.
The sun pours down like honey
on our lady of the harbour
as she shows you where to look
among the garbage and the flowers,
there are heroes in the seaweed
there are children in the morning,
they are leaning out for love
they will lean that way forever
while Suzanne she holds the mirror.
And you want to travel with her
and you want to travel blind
and you’re sure that she can find you
because she’s touched her perfect body
with her mind.

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